Online Academy

Qualification as certified live online trainer



As a certified live online trainer, you will design successful interactive online trainings, workshops or meetings and implement them digitally in an understandable and motivating manner – whether it’s knowledge or content transfer.

You will learn 

  • how to set yourself up in a technically sound manner in the digital space,
  • how to plan content and organization,
  • how to impart knowledge in a varied and practical, goal-oriented and clear manner – even in difficult situations
  • and how to present yourself confidently as a facilitator.

We will guide you to creatively use what you have learned during your training and to extend your methodical and didactic online skills through reflection and feedback. The training not only offers an overview of approaches and techniques, but also an insight into their backgrounds. You will get to know different tools and how to use a selection of them. We combine best practice examples, tips and tricks with proven training approaches and optimize them for successful use in the online world: so you can take the most effective tools and methods with you and implement them in a target-oriented manner.




Conception and planning
  • Design, plan and prepare effective interactive live online trainings

  • Increase and maintain energy, attention and learning through effective communication

  • Transfer proven face-to-face elements into an effective virtual event and use them in the best possible way

  • Design live online trainings in an appropriately interactive way

Technology and tools
  • Know the tools available and use them in various functions

  • Know the differences between face-to-face and online events and make use of this knowledge

  • Know the advantages and disadvantages of the virtual communication space and orchestrate the advantages in a targeted way for online trainings

  • Specifically implement and exploit the possibilities of a change of method

  • Offer variety, inspiration and feedback to attract attention in the virtual space

  • Position and use interactive sequences meaningfully

Design and development

From the beginning of your training, you design your individual live online training and present a sequence of it at the end (final presentation for certification). You will receive well-founded feedback on this. Benefit from

  • creatively trying out new approaches in the protected space of the group of participants.
  • reflecting on your own communication and training practice.

Because those who address training goals more precisely, flexibly and with agility will shine in the online world.

  • Living up to the role of a facilitator in the best possible way

  • Communicate the closeness and connection of the participants with the means of the virtual training room despite the distance

  • Deal with difficult situations in live online training

  • Take a “look behind the scenes” of facilitation: tips, tricks and best practices


Structure and course of the training


5 modules: knowledge transfer and actual implementation
2 modules: preparation and presentation of a 10-minute online training sequence including trainer and participant feedback
1 module: open consultation for conceptual and practical questions


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