Online Academy

Bootcamp for live online trainers

Making virtual trainings and webinars interesting, interactive and effective: That’s the goal of our bootcamp offer for


beginners and experienced face-to-face trainers,


HR Business Partners and specialists


professionals and executives who want to achieve interaction and results with their content, also in online meetings


and all those who want to extend their skills in the virtual communication space.

A particularly compact concept ensures that participants are able to optimize their online communication quickly: For better and more vivid live online sessions.




The bootcamp for live online trainers provides answers and the primary tools to captivate with successful webinars.

Its strength is its compactness. Its aim is to get a quick but goal-oriented overview of the approaches and methods, tools and techniques of the online world. It’s about knowing and recognizing the possibilities: so you can make adjustments in the future and use the instruments presented in a creative way yourself.



Conception and planning
  • Design interactive live online trainings

  • Use effective communication for more energy, attention and learning success

  • Transfer proven face-to-face elements into an effective virtual event

Technology and tools
  • Get a targeted overview of tools and their application

  • Know the differences between face-to-face and online events

  • Make yourself aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the virtual communication space

Facilitation and methods
  • Recognize opportunities for interaction

  • Living up to the role of a facilitator

  • Develop stylistic elements for a connection between facilitator and participants

Structure and course of the training


Module 1: Targeted use of technology
Module 2: Designing and planning of an effective live online training
Module 3: Using interaction to keep the energy and attention of the participants high
Module 4: Open consultation for conceptual and practical questions


The bootcamp comprises three 75-minute modules and an open consultation, which are offered in flexible time settings: compressed on one day or over the course of a week with modules spread over several days.

We are currently planning new training dates for the next few weeks and months. Would you like to receive an email as soon as new dates are offered?

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